Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Event: Africa Mining Investment & Development Summit 2013, Ghana, 9-11 July 2013

Africa Mining Investment V3 (740x80)

Africa Mining Investment & Development Summit 2013
Main Conference 10th – 11th July 2013
Pre Conference 9th July 2013
Accra, Ghana
Developing competitive mining regime based on emerging trends, economic equality and technology development
Keynote Speakers
AMIDS Speakers
As Africa moves forward with their mining development initiatives, global investors are starting to realize the vast potential of this untapped market to greater heights. The resource rich African market are continuously welcoming investors that is keen to unlock and understand the investments and environmental concerns of many African countries.
The Africa Mining Investment & Development Summit 2013 will be held in Accra, Ghana on 9th to 11th July 2013. We will provide insights from various stakeholders, have extensive understanding of the mining and investment potential of Africa, and resolve challenges and barriers that will be encountered along the way. We aim to provide a platform to learn from Africa mining industry’s pioneers and new entrants.
Together with Neoedge’s line of premier conferences, we aim to bring mining industry’s best speakers and delegates. Network with not only the mining and mineral exploration companies but expect to meet regulators, engineering support companies, upstream and downstream mining sector infrastructure development organizations, financial institutions, advisory and consultancy firms.
Make the move towards the next big thing in Africa.
The following key themes will be addressed in depth with Real Examples and Case Studies:
African Market Overview
  • The African Mining Road Map: What has been done and what will be done
  • 3 E’s for policy and regulatory challenges: Explaining, Enhancing and Enforcing
  • Resource nationalism and local content for long term benefits
  • Understanding current legal system and managing through uncertainties
  • Managing taxation complexity and trade barriers
Mining Industry Developments
  • Developing infrastructure and transportation for viable business and society rehabilitation
  • Labour relations and human capital progress in Africa
  • Geological database for ease access to information and enhance productivity
  • Automating mine operations for lesser downtime and better production gains
  • Improving mining logistics for cost efficient and reliable operations
  • Emphasising safety and sustainability in the rising African mining industry
Financial Investment Environment
  • Unlocking the potential of Africa’s mining investment industry
  • Africa’s Mining Financial Trends: Making that “unconventional financing”
  • Surviving volatile commodity price fluctuation for continuous economic growth
  • Financial modelling for mining exploration and production projects
  • Funding new mining investments and expanding existing projects: Opportunities and Challenges
Summit Objectives
  • Understand the current investment situation of major African countries in the mining industry
  • Hear the latest regulatory and policy development straight from government/association representatives
  • Identify the most viable mining frontier markets in the African region
  • Learn the best practices in investing on mining projects direct from the industry experts
  • Maximize the full potential of your mining investments towards profitability
  • Navigate through the fluctuating global commodity market and manage supply and demand trends
  • Benchmark on Africa’s most successful countries in global mining arena
  • Harness the potential of African mining industry through technology development
  • Discuss African region’s development plans from talent development, infrastructure, safety and sustainability
  • Familiarize your self with the legal and taxation regimes
For full agenda, speaking oportunities, sponsorship, exibitions, media partnership, please email us your detail contact information to rueburn@neo-edge.comPlease indicate subject title “Africa Mining Investment & Development Summit 2013”.

In-House Training

At Neoedge, we customise the Agenda and tailor the topics according to your requirements.


Our programs are based on a modular structure which can be swapped out and replaced with others which are suitable for the clients’ needs. Alternatively, we can conceptualize “core” topics or subjects and work with the stakeholders to further refine the syllabus.
Our program are also fitted to our clients’ schedule so that they will never have to worry about spending time during their peak periods for continuous professional development.
Clients always dictate when our program are to be held and not the other way round.


We assign a corporate learning specialist and the facilitator who will connect to the various stakeholders on finding out their specific learning objectives before the programme’s commencement.
This is to ensure that we deliver what the client wants rather than what is “off-the-shelf”. This continues even after the program ends to ensure that the objectives are met and to evaluate if there is a need for continued education.


On top of the above, clients get to enjoy substantial savings for in-house solutions without suffering a drop in the quality of the deliverables.


Ms. Jhorden Niño

Global Business Development Manager
Telephone: +65 6557 9203
Mobile: +65 9066 4428
General: +65 6557 9166
FAX: +65 6557 9188
E-mail: jhordenn@neo-edge.com 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Event Announcement: Screening & Selecting EOR & Applied Chemical Flooding

04 - 08 MARCH 2013

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes have been applied successfully worldwide. The goal of this course is to provide attendants with solid basics of different aspects, types, and application of the three main types of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes. The three types of oil recovered are identified to include primary, secondary, and enhanced oil recovery. When the reservoir pressure is depleted after primary and secondary processes, enhanced oil recovery will be introduced targeting the residual oil saturation of this field. This course introduces different types of enhanced oil recovery processes including thermal, miscible, and chemical methods. Basics, mechanisms, applications, and screening criteria for each method will be presented. Pilot design will be covered. Many actual field examples will be presented and discussed plus theoretical/practical aspects of these methods. 

Topics covered:
  • Introduction to enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
  • Main rock and fluid properties for EOR
  • Screening criteria of different EOR methods
  • Displacement fundamentals; residual oil, mobility ratio, sweep efficiency.
  • Classification of chemical EOR methods; polymer, surfactant-polymer, and alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) processes.
  • Polymer flooding and applications; Polymer types and pilot design.
  • Thermal processes; cyclic and continuous steam injection, and in-situ combustion.
  • Steam flow rate and quality measurements; prediction of steam flood performance;
  • Classification of miscible methods and fundamentals
  • Determination of minimum miscibility pressure (MMP)
  • Carbon dioxide miscible and immiscible flooding processes
  • Other EOR Processes; Microbial EOR (MEOR) and Electric EOR (EEOR) processes
  • Screening criteria for actual field case
  • Solved examples, field implementation and application

BYO Session
Bring Your Own Data for Analysis
It allows participants to bring their own field/reservoir data and work on them for screening EOR suitability and applicability together with the trainer and other participants.

By the end of this course, you will learn:
  •     How to screen actual reservoir to select the suitable EOR method
  •     Different types and sub-types of EOR processes
  •     Design pilot test for actual selected apartment of a reservoir
  •     Required data for analysis chemical, thermal and miscible methods
  •     How to design a simulation study for EOR methods
  •     New advancements and research outcomes of EOR methods
To secure your seats or for more information, call us today at +65 6557 9183 or email us at rilla.eas@neo-edge.com.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Neoedge Launches Cost Effective Loyalty Club Card

Neoedge to offer limited offers, rewards and club points to its global loyal customers through its first loyalty card – The Edge ClubCard

Singapore City, December 2012 – Neoedge launches its loyalty card globally today, rolling out the scheme to all its customers all across the continents, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and South America. This announcement of the launch of their loyalty card gives users better value for money as loyal companies send its staff to attend events organised by Neoedge. Neoedge customers may redeem their club points for course fees, air tickets and/or hotel accommodation.

According to Rilla Eas, The Edge ClubCard’s Project Manager said: “This project was born with having our frequent delegate attendees in mind as they are the lifeline of our business and it is also a good timing for the launch as the holidays are just around the corner.”

“The Edge ClubCard is more than just a loyalty card. It may earn your company rewards when you sign up for our events. Rewards such as discounts, airfare, hotel accommodation, et cetera. It is specifically designed not just to increase customer retention but also our way to give back to those companies who have been our loyal attendees.”

Rilla Eas added: “This unique customer loyalty programme is the first in the events industry. We foresee an estimate of about two hundred The Edge ClubCard members in circulation by the end of the project’s first full year. While our team is working hard for encouraging results, we are more excited on what we can offer to our customers.”

This new addition to Neoedge’s marketing efforts is not like any other loyalty cards, it has been made easier for companies to accomplish its yearly learning and development requirements and at the same time get rewards and instant discounts on course fees.

The Edge ClubCard will have three tiers of membership, namely: Diamond, Emerald and Sapphire. The membership tiers depend on how frequent the companies send delegates to attend Neoedge events. The Edge ClubCard tiers holding the Emerald and Sapphire memberships may move up to become Diamond Members as companies register to more workshops and conferences.

“Neoedge has made its massive list of past delegates and this is our way to reward them back. Our frequent delegates, so much so as our potential delegates, deserve the kind of training journey that fit their needs. We are delighted to expand our company portfolio through this project while we help our clients further expand their growth.”, Rilla Eas, ended.

For more information on The Edge ClubCard, visit www.neo-edge.com/rewards or email: member@neo-edge.com.

ABOUT The Edge ClubCard:

Neoedge’s The Edge ClubCard is the first loyalty programme in the events services industry. The Edge ClubCard is open to all Neoedge delegates globally. This loyalty card gives users better value for money as loyal companies send its staff to attend events organised by Neoedge.

Find out more about its membership tiers and its unique and exclusive benefits in store.


Neoedge is a top-notch business media and consulting company that aims to serve the corporate world with integrity and excellence by providing cutting edge business intelligences and creating high value networking opportunities.

Neoedge identifies pressing issues that the corporate world is facing. Neoedge events are developed based on careful and original research including extensive and direct interactions with potential participants in the market. Neoedge events are distinguished by delivering premier value to customers in a sustainable means.

Neoedge is headquartered in Singapore, Neoedge has been organising premier events all around the world including in Hamburg, Dubai, Accra, Johannesburg, Trinidad & Tobago, Cape Town, Brazil, Mumbai, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Buenos Aires, Perth, Manila, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Shanghai etc.

Neoedge is your long term reliable corporate business partner.

Press enquiries:
Eugene Azucena, +65 6557 9185, email: eugene@neo-edge.com

Friday, June 15, 2012

Event Announcement: Drafting, Negotiating, Re-Negotiating Mining Agreements


Trends and perspectives on the development of mineral resources in many African nations have varied substantially over the last fifty years.  In some cases this had led to a review, and potentially a re-negotiation of, mining agreements that were originally intended to survive for extended durations.  Understanding the divergence of objectives and the relative negotiating leverage of each party, whether discussing a new contract or re-negotiating an existing contract, can help to avoid common pitfalls and frustrating delays.

The workshop will cover traditional dispute resolution and termination provisions, but will focus on practical realities and identify contractual mechanisms to avoid situations where the only remedy is to arbitrate or terminate. 

The workshop will cover basic concepts of contract law with a view towards identifying and managing risk, maximizing profits, adapting to changing circumstances and resolving disagreements.

Delegates will consider these issues in the context of typical contracts used in the mining industry and particularly contracts that are intended to endure over long periods, such as joint venture agreements, shareholder agreements and long-term product sale agreements.

Delegates will follow the contract cycle from negotiation through drafting and execution of the contract, implementation of the agreement, default, disputes and termination or expiration of the contract.

About your World-Class Trainer
The trainer’s practice focuses on government affairs, project finance and infrastructure development in emerging markets with a focus on Africa and South Asia. She also has experience representing clients in connection with mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, financings, joint ventures and strategic alliances, including negotiating, documenting and structuring contracts for mining projects, power generation projects, and oil refineries.

Registration is still open for the upcoming “Drafting, Negotiating, Re-Negotiating Mining Agreementstaking place in Johannesburg, South Africa from 30 July to 01 August 2012.

Kindly contact Rilla Eas at telephone +65 6557 9183 or via email: rilla.eas@neo-edge.com.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Event Announcement: Principles of & Procedures for Negotiating, Drafting and Managing Oil & Gas Contracts


Due to the new trends in the contemporary Oil & Gas industry, particularly in the complicated upstream & offshore projects and as a result of the dynamic changes experienced nowadays in the relationship between different players in the industry such as International Oil Companies / National Oil Companies /Service Oil Companies, varieties of cooperate formula such as Joint Venture, Public Private Partnership, Purchase Agreement, Joint Operating Agreement, Alliances, and Consortium as well as different models of contracts such as EC, EP, EPC, BOT, GC, MC, PSC, TSA, PSAC, concession and service contracts have been introduced and/or optimized in the nowadays Oil & Gas industry.

To manage the new dynamic Oil & Gas industry, it is not sufficient just to manage the Oil & Gas project but a duty of care and great considerations should also be granted to the concerned Oil & Gas contract(s). That’s why nowadays the Oil & Gas contract management becomes as prominently important as the project management. However, this unruly horse of Oil & Gas contract cannot be administered or controlled on a partial basis or timely manner without having a proper vision and mission for its lifecycle and chain of activities commencing from feasibility study to negotiation, conclusion, execution and close out of the Oil & Gas Contracts. Without being engaged in the strategic and tactical issues of industry Oil & Gas contracts, and without implementing a long term A-Z comprehensive Oil & Gas contract management plan, every efforts of the conventional approach of project management will be regretfully destined to the total failure.

The aim of this course is to achieve the above mentioned purposes through comprehensive TEFCEL* Strategic Management. The course leader Dr Ebrahimi shall assure that inputs and outputs of the professionalism resulted from the outside Oil & Gas world; driven from the actual experiences and practices; based upon the true knowledge and fact finding cases; and illustrated from varieties of cases encountered in the Oil & Gas industry, will be relayed to the Workshop’s participants, making sure everyone will be ultimately satisfied acquiring handful of new thoughts and knowledge that could change his/her own Oil & Gas industry.

* TEFCEL stands for Technical, Economic, Financial, Commercial, Contractual, Environmental and Legal. The concept of TEFCEL has been introduced and developed by Dr Ebrahimi since 2005 and is considered to be his Doctrine ever since.

This program will be led by Dr. S N Ebrahimi, Ex-Director of Legal & Contractual Affairs, PEDEC/NIOC and Professor of Oil and Gas Laws & Contracts, Tehran University.

Registration is still open for the upcoming “Principles of & Procedures for Negotiating, Drafting and Managing Oil & Gas Contractstaking place in Johannesburg, South Africa from 23 to 26 July 2012.

Kindly contact Rilla Eas at telephone +65 6557 9183 or via email: rilla.eas@neo-edge.com.

Event Announcement: Rolling Forecasts, Budgeting & Performance Measurement Master Class


For organizations operating in a world of continuous change, traditional budgeting has become out of date. Today, managers are turning to rolling forecasts to inspire and lead their organisations to superior performance.

Rolling forecasts offer greater visibility into future operating performance. Unlike budgets, they reflect the fact that operations don’t switch off at year-end. Making good business projections isn’t as hard as it sounds. Implemented correctly, rolling forecasting can be the single most valuable tool for identifying where changes need to be made in order to maximize profitability and minimize losses. Well-established forecasting techniques can take some of the guesswork out of operational decision making and put the focus back on optimizing profitability, rather than putting out fires.

This high value practical workshop will:
  • Illustrate the principles of business planning and rolling forecasts with examples and case studies drawn from a variety of industries
  • Identify the process for implementing rolling forecasts in your business
  • Equip you with the best practice techniques for designing an integrated business planning and rolling forecast process
  • Highlight how management can use rolling forecast information to improve existing performance analysis processes

About your World-Class Trainer
He is a visiting lecturer and program director at the Graduate School of Business at the University of the Witwatersrand, a top Africa business school. He has also run courses for the Manchester Business School and Henley Management College in UK, and other business schools in Africa. He previously lectured for many years on the Continuing Professional Education programme of the Institutes of Chartered Accountants in South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Malawi, and was a keynote speaker at the International Congress of Accountants in Africa in 2008. His book on rolling forecasts is used by organisations in the USA, the UK, Mexico, Holland, Dubai, Hong Kong, Indonesia and South Africa.

Registration is still open for the upcoming “Rolling Forecasts, Budgeting & Performance Measurement Master Classtaking place in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 17 to 19 July 2012.

Kindly contact Rilla Eas at telephone +65 6557 9183 or via email: rilla.eas@neo-edge.com.